Charisma Magazine On-Line 12/99 Shock Study Reveals Christians More Likely to Divorce Than Non-Christians Pro-family groups say study reveals churches’ failure to prepare couples. by Andy Butcher An “alarming” report that finds Christians are more likely to divorce than non-Christians has been welcomed as a badly needed “wake-up call to the Church.” The study by… Continue reading Christians More Likely to Divorce?
Month: November 2008
Christian Divorce a Greater Threat to Marriage than Gay Rights
Christian divorces are a greater threat to the sanctity of marriage than the rights being granted for gay unions, according to an article in Focus on the Family’s “Citizen” magazine. “Like radon gas seeping undetected into a home and threatening its inhabitants,” the church has allowed “a phantom leak” that more fundamentally undermines marriage’s health… Continue reading Christian Divorce a Greater Threat to Marriage than Gay Rights
Faith in the Parenthesis
(For we walk by faith and not by sight.) II Corinthians 5:7 Try as we might to speak and write clearly, sometimes, it seems impossible to say what we want to say. That’s why we use a little mechanism called parenthesis to help convey our meaning. A parenthesis is a statement or… Continue reading Faith in the Parenthesis
Repairing the Breach
With every rising and setting of the sun, time races forward to embrace a profound Hope. Men and women engage in the Great Commission, endeavoring to hasten the Kingdom of God, to reach the Lost before it’s too late. In the midst of the chase, an often overlooked friend of revival becomes a casualty. That… Continue reading Repairing the Breach
Success of a Pastor
~by Jay Jones For me, success will come when I can do as the unnamed servant of Abraham, who went to find a bride for his master. He was unnamed, so his anonymity would bring glory to his master, and not himself. He was unselfish, as he gave everything to his master’s pursuit. He sacrificed… Continue reading Success of a Pastor
Learn Spanish in Six Hours
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. – Matthew 10:22 Recently, I heard a commercial that touted an amazing claim. “Learn to speak Spanish in only 6 hours!” “Six hours? There is simply no way to learn an entire language… Continue reading Learn Spanish in Six Hours
Ownership and Voice in an Apostolic Movement
Within the United Pentecostal Church, we’re facing current questions regarding how to best foster ownership within our ministers. The discussion is broad, and I don’t have many answers, but here are a few things I believe could help… 1. Begin teaching and training for ministry at very young levels, such as Senior and Junior high… Continue reading Ownership and Voice in an Apostolic Movement
What We Think We Know About Baby Busters
Written by William E. Easum, Ministry in a Changing World Busters [born 1965-1983] (and the 1984+ Millennials) are the foundation generation for a new world being born. What they become will shape the emerging world for decades to come, if not centuries. . . . Three paradigms separate the Busters from any previous generation. First,… Continue reading What We Think We Know About Baby Busters
Research: Churches Lost Passion
Researcher Says Churches Have Lost Their Spiritual Passion Despite having more born-again Christians today than 10 years ago, America is spiritually stagnant. A new study on the state of Christianity in the nation has revealed that Americans remain interested in faith and consider themselves to be religious people — but it concludes that believers are… Continue reading Research: Churches Lost Passion
Eleanor Roosevelt Wisdom
Eleanor Roosevelt wrote: Many people will walk in and out of your life, But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart. Anger is only one letter short of danger. If someone betrays once, it is his fault; If he betrays you… Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt Wisdom