Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.
Month: May 2010
If… A Poem By Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or, being… Continue reading If… A Poem By Rudyard Kipling
Revelation and Relationship
The Old Testament revelation of God seems to center around His mighty works. When we look closely at these works we find that the revelation goes much deeper than showing God as a God with power to create and perform. A misunderstanding of the purpose of the revelation of God will lead us to a… Continue reading Revelation and Relationship
Quoted: J. T. Pugh on Sermon Preparation
Study like there is no such thing as the annointing, and pray like there is nothing BUT the annointing.
The Gate and the Door
In the Tabernacle of the Old Testament, there were two entrances of significance, the Gate and the Door. The Gate to the outer court of the tabernacle was wide and short… The Door to the Holy place was half as wide, and twice as tall. Jesus called himself, “The Door”… interesting then, that the population… Continue reading The Gate and the Door
2010 Church Growth Stats
The 2010 Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches reports membership gains over the past year in the Catholic Church (1.49%), the Assemblies of God (1.27%), and the Church of God (Cleveland) (1.76%). A decline in membership was reported by the Southern Baptist Convention (0.24%), the United Methodist Church (0.98%) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in… Continue reading 2010 Church Growth Stats
Quoted: Jay Jones on Being a Pastor
Some of the greatest joys and deepest pains are felt in the heart of a pastor. To truly shepherd, you must truly love, and to truly love you must risk being truly hurt.
Scripture Learning Techniques
Phrase 15 Method a. Take phrase from verse and quote* it 15 times without looking. b. Take 2nd phrase from verses and quote 15 times. c. Add phrases together and quote 15 times. d. Repeat until verse is learned. e. Quote verse and number 15 times without looking. Read Then Learn Method a. Read… Continue reading Scripture Learning Techniques
Quoted: Howard Hendricks on Effective Teaching
The effective teacher always teaches from the overflow of a full life. You cannot impart what you don’t possess. If you stop growing today, you stop teaching tomorrow.
5 ways your TV is slowly killing you 5 surprising ways your TV is slowly killing you Too much boob tube also makes you weaker, research shows By Linda Carroll contributor updated 8:11 a.m. ET, Fri., March. 5, 2010 You’ve accepted the idea that TV makes you dumber. You know there are lots of more edifying things you could be doing… Continue reading 5 ways your TV is slowly killing you