Quoted: Max Lucado on Today

Focus on today. God meets daily needs daily. Not weekly or annually. He will give you what you need when it is needed.

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Court Upholds Expulsion of Counseling Student Who Opposes Homosexuality

A federal judge has ruled in favor of a public university that removed a Christian student from its graduate program in school counseling over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong. Monday’s ruling, according to Julea Ward’s attorneys, could result in Christian students across the country being expelled from public university for similar views. “It’s… Continue reading Court Upholds Expulsion of Counseling Student Who Opposes Homosexuality

Communicating to Change Lives

Why do preachers preach? Since the goal of preaching is to change lives, preaching is the ultimate tool for church growth. But how can you be effective in communication through preaching? Listed below are eight questions to ask about your preaching. Who will I be preaching to? Asking questions like, “What are their needs?”, “What… Continue reading Communicating to Change Lives

How Prayer Foiled the Times Square Terrorist Bombing

On Saturday, May 1, 2010, the New York Metro Prayer Conference convened at 9:00 am in Queens, New York at the United Apostolic Church. Professor Margaret Banks, New York Metro District’s Prayer Coordinator. successfully led the 400-500 attendees from 29 churches into an extended time of deep intercessory prayer. Heavy prayer prevailed throughout most of… Continue reading How Prayer Foiled the Times Square Terrorist Bombing

Quoted: Ron Mullings on Holy Ghost Power

One of the ploys of the enemy is to make us more problem conscious than we are power conscious. If I have the Holy Ghost, I cannot be defeated… I have to quit, and as long as I don’t quit I will make it!

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Quoted: Ronald Reagan on Freedom

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in thebloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

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