Sixty percent of Christians are chicks and the forty percent that are dudes are still sort of chicks. Mark Driscoll, Pastor Seattle Mars Hill Church
Tag: christianity
Why I am a Religious Conservative
By J. Mark Jordan Our culture insists on using labels as a shorthand way of communicating ideas. Although labels inadequately describe most of us, they have become such powerful factors in shaping the opinions and attitudes of society that we need to locate ourselves on the spectrum of conservative and liberal terms. Conservatives believe… Continue reading Why I am a Religious Conservative
Giving People the 5 Star Treatment
BY DALE E. GALLOWAY A Staff member’s spouse who doesn’t like you. A board member who seems determined to oppose everything you propose. An unchurched neighbor or relative who won’t give you the time of day. Getting along with others is a lot easier to talk about than to do. I used to think it… Continue reading Giving People the 5 Star Treatment
Policewoman Fired for Refusing to Wear Pants
A Daily News Update from the editors of Charisma magazine Thursday, August 26, 1999 Vol. 1 No. 127 POLICEWOMAN FIRED FOR REFUSING TO WEAR PANTS An 18-year police officer has been fired because she refused to wear trousers on the job, arguing that… Continue reading Policewoman Fired for Refusing to Wear Pants
Church Goers Live Longer
A national study to be published next month in “Demography” magazine says those who worship regularly at a church or synagogue live 10 percent longer than those who don’t attend services. The report, called “Religious Involvement and U.S. Adult Mortality,” says life expectancy for weekly churchgoers is 82, and 83 for those who attend more… Continue reading Church Goers Live Longer
Americans Turning Back To Religion
Americans Turning Back to Religion to Find Identity and Meaning ABC News charts parents’ desire to pass on meaning, values to their children by Andy Butcher Schools full of violence and homes empty of values are sending a growing number of Americans back to religion to find answers, according to an ABC News report. But… Continue reading Americans Turning Back To Religion