The Michigan District of the UPCI caught a vision for evangelizing our state nearly 9 years ago, and have since increased roughly 35% in new church plants. The goal for 2009 is to plan 9 new churches within our state, and to progressively plant more churches over the next 10 years until we double in… Continue reading Michigan Impact Video
Tag: church planting
Quoted: Scott Sistrunk
All forms of evangelism have their place, but the most effective method is to plant a New Testament church in every section of every city of the United States.
Engine of Church Growth
By Scott Sistrunk, career church planter I developed this method when I was Church Growth Director for Bro. Nix from 93-96. The church had been plateaued for 15 years at 225. Over the 3 years I was there we grew at 13% the church now runs 500 or so and they still use the basic… Continue reading Engine of Church Growth
Foundational Families
Notes from Scott Sistrunk, career church planter I have observed that the key to a new church plant making it can be boiled down to this ….3 Foundational Families….. By foundational families I mean, families that are absolutely apostolic and are at least as deeply, if not more, committed to the church as the pastor…in… Continue reading Foundational Families
When Should Denominations Plant Churches?
AT WHAT LEVEL SHOULD DENOMINATIONS BE INVOLVED IN STARTING NEW CONGREGATIONS? By George W. Bullard, Jr. The executive director of a regional denominational organization felt proud of the work his executive leaders did over the past year. They had identified and implemented three key leverage strategies that should significantly increase their ability to help their… Continue reading When Should Denominations Plant Churches?