Catholics Desire Pentecost

MIAMI HERALD – 2/6/2000 Headline:   “CATHOLIC CHURCH ADJUSTS, Leaders seek new members:” I quote: “Life for us has to change” “In South Florida, Catholics continue to lose many Hispanics & Hatians to the tamborine-thumping, foot-tapping, bear-hugging ferver of small charismatic churches [including Pentecostals]”!!! “Internationally, Protestant churches are gaining ground in Catholic strongholds.   There… Continue reading Catholics Desire Pentecost

Positive Growth for Small Churches

By Jim Czegledi How do traditional mainline churches attract new generations of believers when they are not mega-style, seeker-driven churches? The answer does not always lie in new or radical models of ministry, but in a rediscovery of the type of ministry that has served the church for many years. A sense of piety and… Continue reading Positive Growth for Small Churches

Mega Churches Change to Survive

America’s Megachurches Are Reinventing Themselves to Continue Growth Some observers predict that in the next decade a church in the United States will hit the 50,000-member threshold by Leigh DeVore The number of megachurches–congregations numbering 2,000 or more–nearly doubled during the 1990s to an estimated 500 today, “The Los Angeles Times” reported last week. These… Continue reading Mega Churches Change to Survive

Churches Don’t Answer Phones

God may be calling sinners, but His people are not answering when they go looking for help. A nationwide telephone survey failed to make contact with a real person at 40 percent of churches, despite repeated callbacksCup to a dozen times. Only half of those churches in which no one picked up the phone had… Continue reading Churches Don’t Answer Phones

Church Offers ‘Express Worship’ Service

Church Offers ‘Express Worship’ Service for People Too Busy for God Fast faith initiative draws newcomers but offends other pastors by Andy Butcher A Florida church has come up with a novel way of reaching out to those who have no time for God–an express worship service. Family Bible Church in Eustis guarantees its 9… Continue reading Church Offers ‘Express Worship’ Service

Church Attendance Down, Pastors Poorer: Study

Giving is up, going is down, and getting remains the same. Those are the results of a survey of church offerings, attendance and pastors’ salaries that the Barna Research Group says indicates that while there is widespread interest in “spirituality” across the country, it has not yet fueled the nationwide revival anticipated by many leaders.… Continue reading Church Attendance Down, Pastors Poorer: Study

Americans Turning Back To Religion

Americans Turning Back to Religion to Find Identity and Meaning ABC News charts parents’ desire to pass on meaning, values to their children by Andy Butcher Schools full of violence and homes empty of values are sending a growing number of Americans back to religion to find answers, according to an ABC News report. But… Continue reading Americans Turning Back To Religion

Christians More Likely to Divorce?

Charisma Magazine On-Line 12/99 Shock Study Reveals Christians More Likely to Divorce Than Non-Christians Pro-family groups say study reveals churches’ failure to prepare couples. by Andy Butcher An “alarming” report that finds Christians are more likely to divorce than non-Christians has been welcomed as a badly needed “wake-up call to the Church.” The study by… Continue reading Christians More Likely to Divorce?

Christian Divorce a Greater Threat to Marriage than Gay Rights

Christian divorces are a greater threat to the sanctity of marriage than the rights being granted for gay unions, according to an article in Focus on the Family’s “Citizen” magazine. “Like radon gas seeping undetected into a home and threatening its inhabitants,” the church has allowed “a phantom leak” that more fundamentally undermines marriage’s health… Continue reading Christian Divorce a Greater Threat to Marriage than Gay Rights