The Holy Scriptures By James K. Bridges The apostle Paul reminded Timothy that from childhood he had known “the Holy Scriptures” (2 Timothy 3:15, NKJV), which had led him to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is referred to as the Holy Scriptures because it is different from any other… Continue reading The Holy Scriptures
Tag: doctrine
Why You Need to Speak in Tongues
By Charles T. Crabtree The assemblies of God believes and teaches that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is accompanied by the initial physical sign of speaking in other tongues (unlearned languages) as the Spirit of God gives audible expression (Acts 2:1-4; 10:44-48; 19:1-6). What a wonderful provision and heavenly gift all believers may… Continue reading Why You Need to Speak in Tongues
The Brain Responds to Speaking in Tongues
Dr. Carl Peterson of O.R.U. in Tulsa, OK, is a brain specialist and was doing research on the relationship between the brain and praying or speaking in tongues. Some amazing things were discovered! Through research and testing, Dr. Peterson found that as we pray in the Spirit or worship in the Spirit (our heavenly… Continue reading The Brain Responds to Speaking in Tongues
The Magnanimity Syndrome
As long as I have been aware of anything theological, the church has hailed the incomparable attributes of God. God fills all space, possesses all knowledge, holds all power and exists for all eternity. His grace is unlimited, His love undiminished, His holiness unsullied, His authority unquestioned, His word immutable. No one is bigger, stronger,… Continue reading The Magnanimity Syndrome
My Views on the Godhead – Jakes
Jakes responds to Christianity Today article, “Apologetics Journal Criticizes Jakes.” By Bishop T. D. Jakes ” Hearsay, not Heresy” I was raised Baptist and became Pentecostal 26 years ago at a Greater Emmanuel Apostolic Church, where I was later ordained a Bishop. I resigned from that denomination 11 years ago, and have continued to fellowship… Continue reading My Views on the Godhead – Jakes
T.D. Jakes Accused of Heresy
T.D. Jakes Accused Of Heresy For Trinity Views RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA ( HYPERLINK “” CHARISMA) — Christian broadcaster and cult watcher Hank Hanegraaff has lobbed heresy charges at Bishop T.D. Jakes, the nation’s most prominent black preacher.
A Fresh Glimpse of God’s Glory
A Fresh Glimpse of God’s Glory There comes a time in every life in which we need a fresh vision of God. Our walk with God can become stale and routine. We may begin to doubt if the continual struggle against sin and self is worth it. We may become so caught… Continue reading A Fresh Glimpse of God’s Glory
Policewoman Fired for Refusing to Wear Pants
A Daily News Update from the editors of Charisma magazine Thursday, August 26, 1999 Vol. 1 No. 127 POLICEWOMAN FIRED FOR REFUSING TO WEAR PANTS An 18-year police officer has been fired because she refused to wear trousers on the job, arguing that… Continue reading Policewoman Fired for Refusing to Wear Pants
A Deeper Look at the Cross
A Deeper Look at the Cross By J. Mark Jordan “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…” Galatians 6:14 The cross of Christ brings the two greatest opposite forces known to man-life and death-together into a single event. It makes both God and man do… Continue reading A Deeper Look at the Cross