
By Norm Paslay II This is not a discourse on mentoring. I am attempting to share from my heart and life experience an incredible model of mentoring that proved to be very powerful. In fact, at the core of my thesis is the intent to honor my father, Norman R. Paslay I. His life and… Continue reading Mentoring

Traits of Successful Leaders

By Dave Smith I. Sincerity II. Capacity For Work Edison stated, “Success is 98% perspiration and 2% inspiration” III. Ability To Press On In Adversity A leader will have much discouragement and opposition IV. Must Exhibit A Love For His Co-laborers V. Ability To Organize VI. Must Develop A Vision For His Ministry VII. Must… Continue reading Traits of Successful Leaders

Leadership Kit

All leaders would do well to have certain items in their possession to remind them of the meaning of ministry. Here’s what I have in my Leadership Kit… erasers To forget people’s mistakes, failures and complaints Bendy straw Flexible but still functional Rubberband Willingness to stretch Knowing your limitations Balloon Shows what the size/growth (spiritual… Continue reading Leadership Kit

PK’s And Their Dads

Note: This is an article about “Preacher’s Kids” written by Tony Suarez, of Iglesia De Norfolk in Norfolk, Virginia where to start… I’m not sure who to write to: the PK’s or the Fathers… I knew at a very young age that I was going to be in the ministry…actually I can’t think of anything… Continue reading PK’s And Their Dads

Quoted: Anna Garlin

A successful woman preacher was once asked “what special obstacles have you met as a woman in the ministry?” “Not one,” she answered, “except the lack of a minister’s wife.