By Jared Arango
We stand at this juncture of time with an unceasing urgency to follow through with the mandate and purpose of the church — the saving of a soul.
We are at a cross road in time that is reminding and redefining the reason for existence of the redeemed on the earth — reaching the lost.
With the phasing out of the old millennium and anticipating a new one, there is an electrifying urgency that cannot be neglected “to go ye into all the world.”
The lateness of the hour press the heirs of salvation to weed through the less significant spiritual substance that slows and sedate the saints and reach the core objective for which we live for and Jesus die for — Seeking and saving that which was lost.
It would be so easy to ignore the demands of reaching the lost and go about or own business. But the clock of time calls that we know the time, for now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. For the apostle Jude admonish the saint at the end of his era to have compassion, making a difference: and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire.
When we ponder the value of a souls in the light of eternity, materialism will shrink in it’s importance, the desires of the flesh will diminish in it’s worth — our sense of purpose with soon be revitalized and our reason for being will take new meaning.
The Great Commission (as recorded in Matt 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-18 & Luke 26:47) is to go into the world and teach what we’ve learned; preach the gospel- repentance and baptism; disciple; baptize in Jesus Name; cast out devils; speak with new tongues; if we take up serpents; and if we drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt us; we shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
This is a commandment, not a suggestion.
What does the great commission mean to you as a child of God?
Is it just a motivational statement?
Just another scripture?
Do you thing it’s just for those zealous Christians?
Is it forgotten commandment?
Do you not want to take it serious, because of the it may require something of you?
I propose to this intelligent congregation that the “Great Commission” is every child of God’s responsibility. Weather you are a new convert or a seasoned child of God.
We will be held accountable on judgment day for how we fulfilled this commission in our lives. As sure as I’m standing before you it will be asked of you weather this “Great Commission” was carried out in your life or not.
That’s why it was named as “THE GREAT commission.” There is no greater commission that matter more to God than this one.
It’s a greater one then loving one another, to pray without ceasing, reading God’s Word.
It’s the reason why we are still on the earth today!