Planned Parenthood Director Quits

A Planned Parenthood ® director has resigned from a Bryan, Texas, clinic after witnessing an ultrasound-guided abortion. Abby Johnson, 29, said she had a “change of heart” and knew it was time to leave after she watched a fetus “crumple” as it was vacuumed out of a patient’s uterus in September. “When I was working at Planned Parenthood, I was extremely pro-choice,” said Johnson. But, after seeing the internal working of the procedure for the first time on an ultrasound monitor, “I would say there was a definite conversion in my heart … a spiritual conversion.”

Speaking of her bosses, Johnson said, “Every meeting that we had, [it] was, ‘We don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough money — we’ve got to keep these abortions coming.’ It’s a very lucrative business and that’s why they want to increase numbers.” She also noted that her bosses told her to change her “priorities” and focus on abortions, which made money for the office at a time when the recession left them hurting.

Planned Parenthood petitioned the district court to issue a temporary restraining order against Johnson and against the Coalition for Life, a pro-life group with which Johnson is now affiliated. “We regret being forced to turn to the courts to protect the safety and confidentiality of our clients and staff. However, in this instance, it is absolutely necessary,” said Rochelle Tafolla, a PP spokeswoman. Johnson said she had no intention of releasing any sensitive information about her former patients at the clinic.

Without a doctor in residence, Johnson’s clinic offered abortions only two days a month, but the doctor could perform 30 to 40 procedures on each day he was there. An estimated $350 for each abortion could net the branch up to more than $10,000 a month. Johnson said, “Ideally, my goal as the facility’s director is that your abortion numbers don’t increase because you’re providing so much family planning and so much education that there is not a demand for abortion services. But that was not their goal.”

A hearing is set for Nov. 10 to determine whether a judge will order an injunction against Johnson and the Coalition for Life. []

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