Quoted: Ron Wofford on Reputation

Speaking at his Apostolic Grandfather’s funeral: He was the kind of man little boys dream about being, and the kind of man old men wish they would have been.

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The Gift of Death

Abortion Gift Certificates Gift certificates for services (including abortion) are being sold in Anchorage, Alaska as part of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s (PPGNW) effort to raise funds for their organization. Alaska Family Council President, Jim Minnery, says it is offensive that Planned Parenthood would use the Christmas season to propagate the message of… Continue reading The Gift of Death

De Opresso Liber (Liberate the Oppressed)

De Opresso Liber is the motto of the US Army Special Forces. It is a latin phrase that means, “Liberate the Oppressed”. The phrase originated during WWII when Colonel Aaron Bank and his Special Forces teams enabled the oppressed French Resistance to grow and eventually oppose and overthrow the occupying German Army. Similarly, it is… Continue reading De Opresso Liber (Liberate the Oppressed)

Traditional Ministry vs. Passion-based Ministry

Traditional ministry is action based. It follows the following progression: Action (starts with deciding what you want to do) Program (developing a program to accomplish the same) Mission (adapting that to your mission) Vision (basing your vision on your program’s potential) Formation (praying for God to bless what you have done) Passion-based ministry is God… Continue reading Traditional Ministry vs. Passion-based Ministry

The Value of a Mistake

It’s a well-known phrase that “it’s better to learn from the mistakes of others than to make the mistakes on your own.” Certainly the lessons learned from mistakes, whether ours or others, can be considered valuable. What value can be placed on a mistake? Take into consideration the mistake that was made in the Garden… Continue reading The Value of a Mistake

Quoted: Charles Silvester Horne on Ministry

The great merit of Paul’s audacious policy was that he was a strategist who thought out his strategy on the actual field of war and not in some remote Jerusalem war office where parchment and sealing wax were more plentiful than experience and foresight.

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2 Kings 4:1-6 Luke 17:11-19 A message about the widow woman and vessels of oil. Likening her destitute condition to our condition of emptiness/hunger/need/desire, and the fact that, as long as there is yet a vessel to fill the oil will flow. How did she feel when she realized there were no more vessels to… Continue reading More