Divine Flesh Doctrine (Heresy)

By Anthony Tamel Bro Tamel is co-pastor of Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Published in the Forward Magazine Summer 2001 The Controversy There is nothing new about controversy. Most churches differ in various matters of teaching, even among Apostolic churches. Some controversies are more serious than others, and one of the more seri-ous… Continue reading Divine Flesh Doctrine (Heresy)


What should be used for the body? Unleavened bread was only bread available during passover. The false doctrine of “transubstantiation” teaches that bread & wine actually turn to flesh & blood. What is leaven? leaven causes fermentation, but is represented in the Bible as sin. This is why passover What should be used for the… Continue reading Communion

Foundational Families

Notes from Scott Sistrunk, career church planter I have observed that the key to a new church plant making it can be boiled down to this ….3 Foundational Families….. By foundational families I mean, families that are absolutely apostolic and are at least as deeply, if not more, committed to the church as the pastor…in… Continue reading Foundational Families

List of Abominations Unto God

Idolatry De 7:25; 27:15; 32:16 Unjust weights and measures De 25:13-16; Pr 11:1; 20:1,23 Uncleanness Le 18:22; 20:13; De 24:4 Incest Le 18:6-18 Lying with a woman in her menses Le 18:18,20 Adultery Le 18:20 Sodomy Le 18:22,23 Offering seed to Molech Le 18:21 Offering children in sacrifice De 18:10 Sorcery and necromancy De 18:10,11… Continue reading List of Abominations Unto God

10 Reasons You May Not Pastor A Thriving Church

By Jay Jones Every church should be a thriving church, regardless of their size or location. To thrive simply means to prosper; to be fortunate or successful. Growth should always exist within a church and is sometimes seen as communal, sometimes spiritual, and sometimes numerical. While there are many dynamics that come into play with… Continue reading 10 Reasons You May Not Pastor A Thriving Church

PK’s And Their Dads

Note: This is an article about “Preacher’s Kids” written by Tony Suarez, of Iglesia De Norfolk in Norfolk, Virginia where to start… I’m not sure who to write to: the PK’s or the Fathers… I knew at a very young age that I was going to be in the ministry…actually I can’t think of anything… Continue reading PK’s And Their Dads

Teens Leaving in Droves?

Are they really? A 2007 Barna poll said that young Americans (aged 16-29) are growing increasingly critical about Christianity and the Church, and are leaving the church entirely. Barna’s study wrote that their research showed “that despite strong levels of spiritual activity during the teen years, most twentysomethings disengage from active participation in the Christian… Continue reading Teens Leaving in Droves?