Abstinence is easier than temperance.
Author: Jay Jones
On Women’s Uncut Hair and Power/Authority
Among those who believe and teach the truth of 1 Corinthians 11 in regards to women maintaining uncut hair, there are some who believe in error about the “power” that is linked to the doctrinal practice. There should be a baseline of understanding set when approaching this discussion. First and foremost, there is no doctrine… Continue reading On Women’s Uncut Hair and Power/Authority
Base Camp
The close of the year brings with it the opening of a new mission. As we sit at the base of next year’s journey, there are important preparations to make. ReMember (Looking back over the last year’s successes and failures) ReThink (Planning a new approach for the climb ahead) ReFuel (Stocking spiritual inventory for the… Continue reading Base Camp
An exploration into some of the lesser-known parables of Jesus. Be Alert – Mark 13:33-37 A Friend at Midnight – Luke 11:5-13 The King’s war plans – 14:31-33
Follow the Leader
Christ has called us to “deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him”. Can’t Follow without Leaving (in order to “Connect”, we must “Disconnect”) Sitting at Jesus’ Feet (Growing/Discipleship) The Cost of Following Jesus (Life of Servanthood… Jesus washing disciples’ feet)
Life in Christ is rewarding, yet much of the benefits are hidden to those who don’t seek them. Seeking to Know Him (Revealing who Jesus is) Pursuing the Image (Allowing Christ to be revealed in the way we live our lives) Speaking to the Unseen (revealing His blessings through faith in action) Listening (allowing God… Continue reading Reveal
The Upside Down Way of God
Get equipped with the fundamental tools we need to live out our faith. First is Last Seeing is not Believing Give to Receive Weak is Strong Slavery is Freedom Die to Live
Going All In
It does not matter where you are in life, whether you are a college student, a new accountant, or a single parent, every stage and position in life presents the opportunity to risk something valuable for God. Living for a Cause (3 Hebrew children) Prioritizing Priorities (Mary, sister of Lazarus) High Risk Investing (Philip and… Continue reading Going All In
Mind Games
Our carnal minds often lead us to the wrong conclusions about reality. “Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus.” “…by the renewing of your mind…” (begin each study with an optical illusion) I feel abandoned I lack faith I don’t need God
Discovering how Christ compared Himself to natural things which are essential to life. Light (how light supports life) Water (can’t live without water) Trees (provide oxygen)