Thou shalt not be required to financially support your church – but you should anyway. That’s the upshot of a new informal survey of evangelical leaders finding that less than half believe that the Bible requires church members to tithe, the practice of giving at least 10 percent of one’s income to the church. The survey,… Continue reading Survey: Minority of evangelical leaders say Bible requires tithing
Category: Illustrations and Research
Stories, news events, testimonies, history and more.
William Penn speaking about the Godhead
I deny a Trinity of separate persons in the godhead…. Does thou in good earnest think they [Catholicism] were one in judgment with Sabellius, who only rejected the imaginary personality of those times; who at the same instant owned and confessed to the Eternity and godhead of Christ Jesus our Lord. It is manifest, then… Continue reading William Penn speaking about the Godhead
Just Keep Holding On
A 60-year-old man has been found on the roof of his floating house nearly 10 miles out at sea, two days after the tsunami that devastated the north-east coast of Japan. Hiromitsu Shinkawa must have resigned himself to his fate when he was swept away by the retreating tsunami that roared ashore in his home town… Continue reading Just Keep Holding On
You Shall Not Want
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 To the lost sheep, He is the seeking Shepherd; To the needy sheep, He is the providing Shepherd; To the hurting sheep, He is the comforting Shepherd; To the bruised sheep, He is the healing Shepherd; To the anxious sheep, He is the peaceful… Continue reading You Shall Not Want
Facebook Linked in 20% of Divorces
A recent survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that Facebook is cited in one in five divorces in the United States. Also, more than 80 percent of divorce lawyers reported a rising number of people are using social media to engage in extramarital affairs. “We’re coming across it more and more,” said… Continue reading Facebook Linked in 20% of Divorces
Stalin: Leading People By Torture and Provision
During those final days of the collapsing Marxist experiment in the Soviet Union, Soviet novelist Chingiz Aitmatov retold the following story, which has been paraphrased here. On one occasion, so it was narrated, Stalin called for a live chicken and proceeded to use it to make an unforgettable point before some of his henchmen. Forcefully… Continue reading Stalin: Leading People By Torture and Provision
The Lost and the Reaching…
Many points emerge from this real-life situation. Why had the man strayed from safety? What caused him to fall? Why were the rescue efforts abandoned? How far should we go in reaching those who are lost? At what point is our own danger enough to abandon the rescue attempt? Man who fell 190ft into Nevada… Continue reading The Lost and the Reaching…
A Revival Like Hezekiah Had
If all the sleeping folk would wake up. All the lukewarm folk would fire up. All the dishonest folk would confess up. All the disgruntled folk would sweeten up. All the discouraged folk would cheer up. All the depressed folk would look up. All the estranged folk would make up. All the gossipers would shut… Continue reading A Revival Like Hezekiah Had
Ministry Is…
Ministry Is… Giving when you feel like keeping, Praying for others when you need to be prayed for, Feeding others when your own soul is hungry, Living truth before people even when you can’t see results, Hurting with other people even when your own hurt can’t be spoken, Keeping your word even when it’s not… Continue reading Ministry Is…
Built on Sand…
The islands were intended as the ultimate luxury possession, even for Dubai. But the World, the ambitiously-constructed archipelago of islands shaped like the countries of the globe, is sinking back into the sea, according to evidence cited before a property tribunal. The islands were intended to be developed with tailor-made hotel complexes and luxury villas,… Continue reading Built on Sand…