As you know, on the evening of the first Passover, the Lord visited Egypt as an angel of death. He took every firstborn – people and livestock included- exept where He found blood on the doorway. To understand the killing of the paschal (Passover) lamb, it’s important to know that in Egyptian society the lamb,… Continue reading Feast of the Passover Thoughts
Category: Illustrations and Research
Stories, news events, testimonies, history and more.
The Gift of Death
Abortion Gift Certificates Gift certificates for services (including abortion) are being sold in Anchorage, Alaska as part of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s (PPGNW) effort to raise funds for their organization. Alaska Family Council President, Jim Minnery, says it is offensive that Planned Parenthood would use the Christmas season to propagate the message of… Continue reading The Gift of Death
De Opresso Liber (Liberate the Oppressed)
De Opresso Liber is the motto of the US Army Special Forces. It is a latin phrase that means, “Liberate the Oppressed”. The phrase originated during WWII when Colonel Aaron Bank and his Special Forces teams enabled the oppressed French Resistance to grow and eventually oppose and overthrow the occupying German Army. Similarly, it is… Continue reading De Opresso Liber (Liberate the Oppressed)
The Value of a Mistake
It’s a well-known phrase that “it’s better to learn from the mistakes of others than to make the mistakes on your own.” Certainly the lessons learned from mistakes, whether ours or others, can be considered valuable. What value can be placed on a mistake? Take into consideration the mistake that was made in the Garden… Continue reading The Value of a Mistake
When You Drop The Ball
What else is there to do but… blame God? It wasn’t his own hands or the Pittsburgh secondary Sunday that foiled Buffalo Bills wide receiver Steve Johnson from hauling in what should have been the game-winning TD catch in the end zone. It was God. “I PRAISE YOU 24/7!!!!!!” the 24-year-old tweeted from his iPad… Continue reading When You Drop The Ball
A Bride in White…
(Sermon seed by Tony McCall) An article on details a recent shift in wedding preferences of brides choosing colored dresses over the traditional white. Instead of trying to fit a certain mold, Ariel Meadow Stallings cut up a lime-green prom dress she found on eBay, and paired it with an iridescent blue corset. After… Continue reading A Bride in White…
Where Do Ideas Come From?
Here are some interesting insight from marketing guru Seth Godin on the birthplace of ideas. How many of these would apply to sermon thoughts, and vision-casting? Ideas don’t come from watching television Ideas sometimes come from listening to a lecture Ideas often come while reading a book Good ideas come from bad ideas, but only… Continue reading Where Do Ideas Come From?
Youth Leaving the Church
As cited inLeadership Journal, the statistics are alarming: Rainer Research estimates that 70 percent of young people leave the church by age 22. Barna Group argues that the figure increases to 80 percent by age 30. The Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest Protestant denomination, recently observed that growth in their churches is failing to keep… Continue reading Youth Leaving the Church
Obama Most ‘Gay’-Friendly President
Not quite half way through his first term, President Barack Obama has appointed more than 150 openly homosexual officials, exceeding all other presidents. They have been appointed as everything from agency heads and commission members to policy officials and senior staffers. The previous high, of about 140, was during two full terms under President Bill… Continue reading Obama Most ‘Gay’-Friendly President
Respond or React?
Life will throw surprises and unexpected events your way. What you do with those is what makes all of the difference. You can either “respond” or “react.” Just as it is with medicine, reactions are negative; responses are positive. The seemingly unattainable goal is to stop long enough before doing or saying anything in order… Continue reading Respond or React?