
Compiled by Darren Shelton Fasting is oftentimes neglected because many people find it so difficult to complete. While there are numerous reasons why people struggle with fasting, we should always be mindful of the power that can be found in fasting. The purpose of fasting isn’t just limited to bringing the flesh into submission. Isaiah… Continue reading Fasting

Preaching to Penetrate

By Larry Moyer Speaking to a broken heart is like giving nourishment to a starving child. Speaking to a hard heart is like correcting a rebellious teenager. So how do you do it? If you’re looking for an easy answer, it’s not there. But here are some helpful ideas – ones that may crack open… Continue reading Preaching to Penetrate

Ministerial Housing Allowance

Information passed on to me from a fellow pastor, Greg W. Davis.. Housing Allowance is “Social Security” taxable. It along with your net “business ministry” expenses pool down to a “Net Income”. One pays .14 approximately for everydollar of “net income”. The net income than flows to the income section of your personal 1040 less… Continue reading Ministerial Housing Allowance

Apostolic Revival Corps (ARC)

When I was Section Youth director about 10 years ago, I started a program called, ARC (Apostolic Revival Corps) that traveled to various HM churches in our district and conducted training, outreach and services. Our team was made up from 20 to 30 young people from our section and included musicians, young preachers and passionate… Continue reading Apostolic Revival Corps (ARC)

Whinnie the Pooh’s Ministry Guide

We can find sound advice in the most unlikely of places sometimes, can’t we? Winnie the Pooh himself will tell you he is a “bear of little brain,” but he also has an uncommon, clear-eyed wisdom. Because of Pooh’s thoughtfulness for his friends (which comes second only to hunny), he would likely make a pretty… Continue reading Whinnie the Pooh’s Ministry Guide

Do we have “all truth”

By Darren Shelton Some have asked the question, “do we have all truth?” This is a prudent question with a simple answer and a right answer. Understanding that clarification is key to properly pursuing “all truth.” The simple answer is no, we don’t have all truth in the sense that we don’t know everything there… Continue reading Do we have “all truth”

The Five Top Reasons Churches Don’t Grow

Bill Tenny Brittian writes: “When I get called in as a consultant to work with stuck, plateaued, or declining churches I have a couple of things I look for right off the bat. In the vast majority of the cases I discover that their inability to grow, let alone sustain, their membership is caused by… Continue reading The Five Top Reasons Churches Don’t Grow

Biblical Hermeneutics

By Ron Wofford I. Introduction A. This course is designed to give the student a brief, yet basic and intelligent method of interpreting the Bible. B. The scientific term for this discipline is hermeneutics. 1. It is sometimes listed as Hermeneutica Sacra. 2. This is done to distinguish it from the interpretation of secular materials.… Continue reading Biblical Hermeneutics