From Thomas Rainer, following are some possible signs your church may be failing in health. The church has few outwardly focused ministries. Most of the budget dollars in the church are spent on the desires and comforts of church members. The ministry staff spends most of its time taking care of members, with little time… Continue reading 5 Signs Your Church May Be Deteriorating
Category: Ministry Development
Articles and video blogs on leadership, preaching and ministry. “The same commit thou to faithful men…”
Anatomy of a Ministry Takedown
An old European proverb worth heeding reads: “Age and treachery will always defeat youth and zeal.” Eugene Peterson might retranslate this to read: “Crafty veterans will take down the energetic and distracted kids every time.” Satan is legendary for his ability to take down leaders of God’s people who began their journey with Christ fully… Continue reading Anatomy of a Ministry Takedown
Do The Work Of An Evangelist
by J. L. Fiorino (from UPCI Home Missions Division website) II Timothy 4:5 “But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of they ministry.” To better understand what is involved in the “work of an evangelist” we will look at the life of one in the… Continue reading Do The Work Of An Evangelist
The Influence of the UPCI…
I have often pondered the influence of the United Pentecostal Church, International as it relates to the Apostolic Pentecostal movement in general. Those of us who declare ourselves to be believers of the oneness of God and the essentiality of both Jesus’ name baptism by immersion and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the… Continue reading The Influence of the UPCI…
Quoted: Jeff Sanders on the Word of God
The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword. When used skillfully and spoken wisely, it becomes a spiritual scalpel that makes incision upon the heart and takes out what ought not be there and puts in what ought to be. But when wielded unskillfully and unadvisedly, that same sword… Continue reading Quoted: Jeff Sanders on the Word of God
Some Steps to Engage Your Church
1. Have a cup of coffee with another leader in the church who tends to pull in a different direction from you. Insofar as possible, make a personal connection. 2. Apologize to someone you hurt in some way that created a fracture. 3. Talk with your family members about whether you… Continue reading Some Steps to Engage Your Church
Dealing with Discouragement in Ministry
1 Kings 19 speaks about the prophet Elijah when he ran away from the wicked Jezebel who had threatened to kill him. Elijah was tired. He was discouraged and depressed and he actually asked God to kill him. He had a very, very low spot emotionally. God places these narratives in scripture… Continue reading Dealing with Discouragement in Ministry
Five Questions Ministers Should Ask Themselves
Pastor Doug White of Silsbee, Tx proposes the following questions that a man – if he is serious about ministry – needs to ask himself from time to time… and CAREFULLY consider the answers to the questions. Questions like… Is there anything in my attitude that would cause my Pastor friends to be concerned about… Continue reading Five Questions Ministers Should Ask Themselves
It’s Monday… Be Careful Pastors
Some words of caution and advice from Clayton King regarding the Monday phenomenon that mounts upon pastors, ministers and church leaders. BE CAREFUL ON MONDAYS: 1. You are most vulnerable to criticism and discouragement. Hold off on most calls and emails til Tuesday. They can wait unless they are a medical or… Continue reading It’s Monday… Be Careful Pastors
5 Step Apprenticeship Process
A simple process for developing an apprentice, or disciple… I do, you watch I do, you help You do, I help You do, I watch You do, and someone else watches After each step of the process, review progress with the individual. Pretty simple, but effective method of discipling!