2 Cor. 5:14-17 We are not under the law, but under grace, but grace is not a license to sin! I’m free to serve, not free to sin!! 6 scriptural tests to apply to anything questionable/gray area, not specifically mentioned in scripture: 1. Proclamation Test This test asks, “Has God clearly proclaimed it to be… Continue reading Determining Right From Wrong
Category: Ministry Development
Articles and video blogs on leadership, preaching and ministry. “The same commit thou to faithful men…”
7 Ways to Get Your Church onto the Praying Field
Below is a synopsis of an article written by Jim Nicodem, an Author and Prayer Coach, detailing seven effective ways of motivating your church to prayer. 1. Set a Good Example 2. Pray as a Staff 3. Teach Regularly on the Topic of Prayer 4. Include Prayer Exercises in the Worship Services 5. Weave Prayer… Continue reading 7 Ways to Get Your Church onto the Praying Field
Church Growth Secrets
1. Get people in 2. Keep ’em Seriously, though… I spent a lot of time deconstructing what we do in our church, and the plans of several other successful church plants and growing churches. I ended up bringing it all down to the lowest common denominators, and ended up with two solid principles to church… Continue reading Church Growth Secrets
Duplicating Altars
King Ahaz of Judah (in 2 Kings 16) went to Damascus in Syria and was impressed by how they worshiped. So impressed, in fact, that he recorded the dimensions of the Syrian altars and sent them back to Urijah the high priest to build one just like it. That is how a strange altar was… Continue reading Duplicating Altars
Types of Fasting
The Bible describes four major types of fasting: A Regular Fast – Traditionally, a regular fast means refraining from eating all food. Most people still drink water or juice during a regular fast. When Jesus fasted in the desert, the Bible says, “After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.” This verse does… Continue reading Types of Fasting
Late To The Party
When will we, as churches, get fed up with continually chasing after the latest societal fads, trends and fashions. There is merit in a good presentation and reputation, but it ought to stir us to action when the church… the earthly vehicle Christ instituted to reach a lost humanity… is in a popularity contest with… Continue reading Late To The Party
Winter Wheat
Wikipedia defines “Winter Wheat” like this… Winter wheat is a cereal. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter wheats are planted in the autumn, from September through December. Winter wheat sprouts before freezing occurs, then becomes dormant until the soil warms up in the spring. Persistent snow cover might be disadvantageous; however, winter wheat needs a few… Continue reading Winter Wheat
Restoration After Moral Failure?
Is there disregard within ministry for the high calling of holiness, purity, righteousness and blamelessness that is demanded of God in scripture? Something is wrong when a leader brings a reproach on the Church with immoral, deviant behavior, and these men slip into obscurity only long enough for publicity of their moral failure to die… Continue reading Restoration After Moral Failure?
Counting the Cost of Pastoring
Luke 14:28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? In a recent story in the USA Today titled, “Want to Start a Franchise?” the paper listed 15 questions one should ask themselves when considering becoming a franchisee owner.… Continue reading Counting the Cost of Pastoring
Are You Drifting?
Two young men were fishing one day near their hometown. Being so focused on their goal of catching fish, they didn’t realize their boat had drifted so close to the dam’s rushing water until they were too close to turn back. Caught by the current, their boat was swept over the dam into the crashing… Continue reading Are You Drifting?