7 Ways to Get Your Church onto the Praying Field

Below is a synopsis of an article written by Jim Nicodem, an Author and Prayer Coach, detailing seven effective ways of motivating your church to prayer. 1. Set a Good Example 2. Pray as a Staff 3. Teach Regularly on the Topic of Prayer 4. Include Prayer Exercises in the Worship Services 5. Weave Prayer… Continue reading 7 Ways to Get Your Church onto the Praying Field

Late To The Party

When will we, as churches, get fed up with continually chasing after the latest societal fads, trends and fashions. There is merit in a good presentation and reputation, but it ought to stir us to action when the church… the earthly vehicle Christ instituted to reach a lost humanity… is in a popularity contest with… Continue reading Late To The Party

Winter Wheat

Wikipedia defines “Winter Wheat” like this… Winter wheat is a cereal. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter wheats are planted in the autumn, from September through December. Winter wheat sprouts before freezing occurs, then becomes dormant until the soil warms up in the spring. Persistent snow cover might be disadvantageous; however, winter wheat needs a few… Continue reading Winter Wheat