In the Irish Revival of 1859, people became so weak that they could not get back to their homes. Men and women would fall by the wayside and would be found hours later pleading with God to save their souls. They felt that they were slipping into hell and that nothing else in life mattered… Continue reading Quoted: Oswald Smith on Revival
Tag: hell
Quoted: Scott Graham on Pastoring
I have reached a conclusion that I thought I might share. I have decided . . . There are some people who have decided to go to Heaven, and they are going to do so no matter how bad a job I might do at this pastoring thing! There are some people who have decided… Continue reading Quoted: Scott Graham on Pastoring
Quoted: Spurgeon on Ministry
If sinners will be damned, At least let them leap to hell over my body. And if they will perish, Let them perish with my arms around their knees begging them to stay. And if hell must be filled, At least let it be filled in the teeth of my exertion. And let not one… Continue reading Quoted: Spurgeon on Ministry
Contemporary Preachers Not Preaching Hell
Preachers are growing cool about the flames of hell. Few ever mention the subject from the pulpit says “USA Today,” which notes both Catholic and Protestant leaders want to focus more on hope and resurrection than damnation. The trend can be seen in Catholic funeral masses where white priestly robes have replaced the former black… Continue reading Contemporary Preachers Not Preaching Hell