Compiled by Darren Shelton Fasting is oftentimes neglected because many people find it so difficult to complete. While there are numerous reasons why people struggle with fasting, we should always be mindful of the power that can be found in fasting. The purpose of fasting isn’t just limited to bringing the flesh into submission. Isaiah… Continue reading Fasting
Tag: prayer
Preaching to Penetrate
By Larry Moyer Speaking to a broken heart is like giving nourishment to a starving child. Speaking to a hard heart is like correcting a rebellious teenager. So how do you do it? If you’re looking for an easy answer, it’s not there. But here are some helpful ideas – ones that may crack open… Continue reading Preaching to Penetrate
Lord, save them from their trial, but not from their sin…
I wonder how often we do a disservice to those we love who are out of the Faith? Abram’s nephew Lot went to the sinful twin-cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. After a time, Lot is taken captive when the cities were besieged, and Abram sets out with his armies to defeat his captors. Afterward, the… Continue reading Lord, save them from their trial, but not from their sin…
Quoted: Kenneth O. Gangel on Unifying Prayer
The foundation of unity in ministry can only be found in believers praying together.
The Mystery of the Long Pause
In Exodus 32:32 there is an astounding mystery contained there. It is not found in a word . . . but in a dash. It is a dash found after the word “sin”. The Hebrew symbol used for that dash… or in some translations ellipses… in that and only a few other places, is… Continue reading The Mystery of the Long Pause
Rick Warren’s Presidential Inauguration Prayer
Almighty God, our Father: Everything we see, and everything we can’t see, exists because of you alone. It all comes from you, it all belongs to you, it all exists for your glory. History is your story. The Scripture tells us, “Hear, O Israel, the LORD is our God, the LORD is one.” And you… Continue reading Rick Warren’s Presidential Inauguration Prayer
Quoted: Oswald Smith on Revival
In the Irish Revival of 1859, people became so weak that they could not get back to their homes. Men and women would fall by the wayside and would be found hours later pleading with God to save their souls. They felt that they were slipping into hell and that nothing else in life mattered… Continue reading Quoted: Oswald Smith on Revival
Quoted: Andrew Murray on Revival and Prayer
The coming revival must begin with a great revival of prayer. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundance of rain will first be heard. An increase of secret prayer with ministers will be the sure harbinger of blessing.
Quoted: Frank Bartleman on Coming Revival
Many of us are living for nothing else. A volume of believing prayer is ascending to the throne night and day. Los Angeles, Southern California, and the whole continent shall surely find itself before long in the throes of a mighty revival, by the Spirit and power of God. – Way of Faith, Nov 16,… Continue reading Quoted: Frank Bartleman on Coming Revival
Quoted: Frank Bartleman on the Prayer Life
The prayer life is needed much more than buildings or organizations. These are often a substitute for the other. Souls are born into the Kingdom only through prayer. Frank Bartleman – Azusa Street, p30